Tuesday, December 8, 2015

FCR Christmas Story Trivia Quiz #1

Submitted by the fabulous Falls Chance Forum Moderators @Chris Dangerfield, @Trisha Louise, @DeeDee, and @Mackenzietwin and @Ranger52899

1.       Dale and Jasper have the best fingers for what? (Freeman’s Field)
a. Pulling bon bons
b. Wrapping gifts in complicated shapes
c. Stringing popcorn chains
d. Never you mind!

2.       Where does Luath find Darcy (Handbags At Dawn)? 
a. Notre Dame Cathedral
b. The Theatre des Bouffes du Nord
c. The coffee shop on the Champs-Elysees
d. A coffee shop in The Louvre

3.       Roger tells Darcy that he wants to buy Luath a book for Christmas.  What kind of book is it?   (Twelve Days of Christmas)
a. A book on World War II
b. An Address book
c. A book on cattle breeding
d. A book on the history of hockey

4.       Who is teaching in Italy? (Keeper's Yard)
a. Lito
b. Miguel
c. Niall
d. James

5.       What reprehensible habit did Paul acquire and where did he do so? (Keeper’s Yard)
a. Counting cards, Las Vegas
b. Toenail biting, childhood
c. Umbilical lint farming, you don’t want to kow
d. Cake baking, Maine

6.       In Twelve Days of Christmas Philip goes to Texas to pick up cattle.  What type of cattle does Philip hire Jasper to help him bring back to Wyoming?
a. Texas Aggie
b. Texas Longhorn
c. Odessa Horned Jackalope
d. British Charolais

7.       Gerry wanted to add what extra bits to one of his nudes, according to Bear? (Handbags at Dawn)
a. Redder cheeks
b. Xmas lites & a cowboy hat
c. A fig leaf
d. A hefty pricetag

8.       In Freeman’s Field what does Dale tell Paul he had for school Christmas dinner?
a. Cold sliced ham, cold lumpy gravy, whipped potatoes and limp asparagus
b. Cold sliced turkey, colder gravy and soggy sprouts
c. Roast goose, glazed carrots and potatoes au gratin
d. Beef Wellington, new potatoes and asparagus

9.       Which of the following are horses mentioned in Frontier Mall?
a. Fuzzy, Navel and Orange
b. Monty, Python and Arthur
c. Oskar, Fuzz and Monty
d. Oskar, Mayer and Bologna

10.       In Frontier Mall, Jasper takes Riley to a café for a break.  Finally Jasper leaves Riley there alone – why?
a. They’re playing hide and seek and it’s Jasper’s turn to hide
b. Paul signaled to him to come help him get a gift for Riley
c. There was a two for one sale on Christmas colored M&Ms at the candy store
d. To help Flynn find the car

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