Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fleur de Lys


Theresa said...

This story is outstanding. I certainly would love to read more about these two. Is there a continuation coming, or is this the end? In any event, bravo. Best story I've read in a long time.

Ranger said...

Thanks Theresa. This has always been a special story for me, and it's great to hear you enjoyed it. There is one more chapter on the original draft which I've never posted on line as I've never fully decided if chapter 15 is a stronger finishing point. I will review it and think again.

A. NuEvil said...

Uh-oh...I click on Part One and get this message:

404 File Not Found
We could not find the file you were looking for!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting us know. The link is fixed now.

Anonymous said...

I am overjoyed to find this superb story again, at a functioning website!!! Can't tell you how much I love it...
It's on my rec list, any day.

Chapter 15 is an alright ending, I've always thought, but now madly curious about that 16th chapter!

/1more_sickpuppy on Livejournal

Emma C said...

What a wondrful story: thank you so much for writing it. Your characters are compelling and completely believeable. The sense of despair you conjure with your descriptions of trench warfare is very moving; thank god for the sweetness of love or I'd have felt like taking Edward's way out by half-way through.

Ranger said...

Thank you Emma and Anonymous. This was one of the first novels I ever wrote, having soaked myself in the poetry and diaries of men who fought there, I felt that sense of exhausted despair very powerfully.

debbie l said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous story. Finished it and immediately read it again. I would love to read that 16th chapter, maybe posted as an extra somewhere, because I love these characters you've created. One of the best stories I've read on the internet. Thank you so much.

Jenn said...

This was an amazing story. It was so well detailed and the characters were so realistic. It was a wonderful read and I wouldn't mind seeing more about how they manage life in the village and on the boats.

Thanks. ^_^

Dana said...

I'm totally blown away. This is a wonderful story. Deep and poignant. It pretty much bewitched me from beginning to end.

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